The Tako Glass Mothers Day Gift Guide

Mother’s Day is right around the corner so we thought we’d get you ready with the ultimate Mother’s Day gift guide for moms who love cannabis. For your mom, wife, baby mama, sister; all the moms deserve nothing but the finest, so let’s honor them with gorgeous art they can burn with!
Handy & Gorgeous Gifts
For the low-maintenance lady who has no need for frills, a simple but effective and very beautiful hand-crafted glass pipe would be an awesome gift. Some of our fave picks are:
The Jupiter Swirls Pipe crafted by the fine folks at Revlock Glass is a rad little functional piece that gets the job done while being absolutely gorgeous!
A Purple Nebula Glass Pipe is always a great gift; for moms and just about everyone else! This beautiful gem is created in my signature Nebula style, featuring the most brilliant purple and electric blue nebula coloring. This pipe has a spoon shape, made of super thick glass, ready to change colors. Yep, she’s going to love it.
The Lock N Load Chillum from Revlock Glass is a rad little piece, perfect for on-the-go use! Lock, load, and burn! This is a great discreet pipe that fits in a pocket and it’s ready to go anywhere.
Luxury & High-End Glass Pipes and Bongs
If your mom is more the type who loves being spoiled with all the finer things, our collection of high-end glass pieces offers up some incredible gift options. Check these out!
The Stargazer Opal Mini Rig is a sick, stylish art piece that delivers otherworldly performance. Opal tubing creates wild flashing colors, while a splash guard perfects the no-splash functionality. You will definitely blow minds with this rig!
The Magic Dragon Crystal Dagger is a piece like none other! Inspired by sorcery and magic, this piece was made to channel energy, cast spells, and hypnotize. It features the sickest, thickest pure clear glass and pure silver with mesmerizing DNA helical twists inside. An opal coin offers brilliant flashes of light, while countless facets create a kaleidoscope of colors. And beware, the colors will change in the most incredible ways! A true collector’s piece, there is only one like it, so score it while you can.
For moms who have everything, and perhaps those who don’t smoke, our collection of blown glass jewelry would make an amazing, unique gift! This collection is truly extraordinary, featuring incredible pieces such as the Sandbar Octopus Glass Pendant from Berning Glass, Tako Glass Opal Planet Pendants, and the super fun Glitter Opal Dabber Pendants from Beezy Glass. These are all rad options.
A really special, rare jewelry piece from Dellene Peralta is another solid option if you want to wow your mama. These Black Magic Mushroom Pendants are mysterious, gorgeous, and so different from anything else out there! Definitely, jewels to behold!
Where would we be without our mamas? Let’s give thanks and praise them for all the selfless, tireless, life-giving work they do this Mother’s Day. If the moms in your life are about the culture, hook them up with one-of-a-kind gifts that will blow their minds and speak straight to their hearts! We’ve got everything you could need to make her day, so do it!