Best Pieces to Smoke In The Car

Everyone has their favorite spots that they like to escape for a smoke break. Whether it's with friends or for some alone time, most of us stoners have something in common- car sessions. There's something about lighting up in your car, reclining the seats as far back as they can go, and bumping some tunes, that just feels right. Today we are going to take a look at our favorite glass pieces to smoke out of in the car, the best cars to hot box, and why we love it so much! We will even take a look at some of Tako Glasses favorite stories from smoking in the car back in the good old days. 
Favorite Pieces to Use in the Car
When I was younger I decided I didn't need something compact and easy to use in the car, I just said F** it, and grabbed my tride and true 16" straight tube bong and my water bottle. I would have my friends hop in and we would fill my little subaru with smoke so fast. Nothing like blasting off with your buddies and some good tunes. 
Thinking back I realized what I really would have loved for those afternoon car sessions was a couch potato bong! I don't think I knew what those were at the time otherwise it would have been my daily driver. Couch potato or "lay back" bongs are sweet because they sit on their side, perfectly balanced aka the perfect piece to lean back in your seat and take a rip without spilling water everywhere. That curvy mouth piece prevents backsplash and the entire piece just looks like it's chilling out propped up on an elbow. 
Of course, if you are going for a more low key and on the go piece to smoke out of in your vehicle, I'd steer you in the direction of something that needs less or no water. Chillums or pocket pipes are perfect for on the go smoke breaks because you can stash them in your pocket, the cup holder, or even the side pocket of your car door. They're efficent and straight forward. Chillums and pocket pipes remind me of smoking joints, without the effort of rolling and with much cleaner hits. 
Another fan favorite is that perfect rig that fits in your cup holder. I love taking a fat dab and being able to set the piece down with ease, knowing it'll fit just right and not tip over in the cup holder next to my beverage of choice. 
And last but certainly not least, the Puffco Proxy Kit is unmatched and top-tier when it comes to smoking in the car or on the go. No lighter or water required you can load it up and start ripping as soon as you close the car door. We know so many people who carry a puffco in their bag or stash it in the car for whenever that herb comes callin.
Favorite Cars to Smoke In
In order to have that perfect car session, you need the right vehicle to fit your vibe. Tako said he used to roll up to the beach in his convertible Volkswagon Rabbit, drop the top, and start smoking. Sun in your face, wind in your hair, pipe in your hand, it's like you're smoking outside but you have a comfy seat to sit in and a stereo within reach. Tako says a good stereo and lots of bass is all you really need for the perfect car smoke session. 
When I was younger I would smoke in whatever car was available, but my favorite spot was my little subaru with big windows, comfy fabric seats, and a hatch back just in case the party got too big for the amount of seats available. By the time I sold that car, there was probably ash holes in those seats and a little lingering herb smells, but man that car was the spot to be back in the day. 
Smoking in a big old van with your buddies is another good way to go. You have all that room to chill out and some big doors to open wide when the weathers nice. I also love a good truck bed session with some blankets to sit on, some snacks, and good friends. Nothing like lounging out in the bed of a truck, taking in the sights, and having as many people as you want come and go as you please. 
Personal Stories From the Archives
When I was younger I remember driving up to an empty lot on the top of a hill with my buddies and our go-to straight tube for a night time session. We hot boxed the car for a solid hour before getting out, running around and causing a ruckus. Eventually the cops showed up, pulling in behind our parked car right as we were about to leave. We panicked because the car was full of smoke, so we decided the only option was to get out of the car and walk to the cop before he reached our car. Our eyes were blood shot and the cop was shinning a flashlight directly in our eyes. You could say we were shaking in our boots to say the least. 
When the cop asked me why I was so nervous I quickly said "because I've never been pulled over before". In which he smugly replied that he didn't pull me over because we were already parked. Good one. 
After what seemed like forever of trying to act unsuspecting the cop said we could get back in the car, but to roll down the window. We rolled down the window aka smoke definitely poured out into this guys face. The cop looked inside to see my buddy with a costco sized box of twinkies and said something like "you got a lot of twinkies there" and my friend replied with bright red eyes "you want some" reaching out the window to hand a cop a twinkie. 
Luckily for us the guy told us to get home safely. And as for the cop, he probably burst out laughing on his own drive back to the station. 
 Maybe but next time you are thinking about where to sesh up, try leaning back in your seat in the car, turning up the music and relaxing with some of your favorite herb. You won't be dissapointed and all your stoner friends are going to say "I told you so". 
Need the perfect piece for the car? Check out our new arrivals page for all our latest glass.